How To Start A Profitable Hotel Business In Nigeria Or Anywhere In Africa With Low Capital

Hotels Business is one of the businesses that guarantees all season profit for the owners, any smart investor who venture into it will have cause to smile in no time. Contrary to some articles online that is tried very hard to explain why you wouldn't make money in hotel business, the truth is that you'll actually make big money.

The question is: If there is no money in hotel business , would there be hotels everywhere as it is today? Can you really point any hotel you know that you think is not making money? I don't think so... Even the dirtiest of hotels do make money. Then, if that is the case, investing in hotel business is one smart move any Entrepreneur can make.

Instead of asking if there's money in hotel business , the question should be: How am I going to get involved in the business now and starts sharing from the golden cake in hotel business? People all over the world love merriment that is what hotels is all about. Before we discuss how to start hotel business let's take a look to how hotels are classified based on locations or services they render.

Hotels are classified according to their sizes, the locations, the quality of services they render, and names. These classification help hotels to compete according to where they belong. Examples:

Airport Hotels: - These are the kind of hotels that typically cater for airport related business clientele, incoming tourist, airline passengers who has overnight travel schedules and cancelled flights. It also target airline personals and airport services executives. One of the attractive features of these hotels is they usually either charge the guest on a daily basis or hourly.

Airports hotels might give free transport between hotel and airport. It's also ideal for quick meeting for business men and politicians who do not want much land travels. A very good choice as well for travelers who do not want to miss their flight.READ MORE

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